Leading  Learning    Lifting

“Through the Excellence of Knowledge”







Please allow me to first welcome you, and to express heartfelt thanks for taking time to “consider HIM,” also for your interest in helping to lift under-resourced communities, families and youth through the power of digital literacy and mobile learning technologies. In a world that’s moving at breathtaking paces, we often times overlook the things that matter most. What matters most to H.I.M. are people!

Our founding belief is, “God so loved the world (people) that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in HIM should not perish, but have everlasting life.” As a result we believe it is “through the excellence of knowledge that wisdom giveth life to them that have it”, and “blessed are they who readeth.”  Inspired by the belief and legacy of Barbara Bush, The First lady of Literacy, “If you help a person to read then their opportunities in life will be endless,” and future convicted by her foundations’ commitment “that everyone deserves the opportunity to reach his or her God-given potential.” Ultimately our belief is through HIM we can achieve and make our greatest impacts in life, while aiding to better the lives of “every community, every family, and every child”  through literacy, with the understanding “we are all united through HIM.”

Reverend Ray Mackey, Executive Pastor
Higher Impact Ministries (H.I.M.)

With the help of increasingly growing numbers in wonderful supporters like you, we are more committed to having a positive impact on the lives of people during their greatest points of social and cognitive needs, recognizing service to others cannot simply be germane to attendance of a religious service alone, but becomes vitally impactful when aiding people through ministries which exalt HIM. By uniting those willing to support H.I.M., through resource giving which scales and sustains essential mission outreach initiatives, benefiting people of all ages to be lifted “out of darkness and into the marvellous light.”

Meanwhile, I’d like to thank you in advance for considering an area of support to aid our dedicated mission of lifting under-resourced communities, families with youth through the power of literacy, and for reinforcing the impact of faith-based engagement. Our hope is that “together in unity” you will help “make an impact beyond belief” with the assurance “blessed are they who put their trust in HIM.”

“Make an Impact Beyond Belief.”

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…connecting to your literacy experience!


Community Impact Mission is a core and collective impact initiative focused on manifesting an awareness and consciousness of the importance of literacy and reading throughout our communities with urban areas specific. We are working collaboratively with early childhood centers, schools, church alliances and networks, to families with youth through literacy partners, multi-stake holders and other non-profits to help redefine and sustain this pervasive social imbalance through a variety of educational initiatives and literacy campaigns which further stresses the importance of literacy in every aspect of life. By mobilizing key educational components at local community levels, we believe can stimulate individual growth opportunities, which improves the overall quality of life for respective communities, families, their youth, our city and beyond.

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HIM supporters play an essential role in helping bring about relevant transformation, increasing awareness, sustaining impartialities that impact families with youth and so many in our cities throughout the U.S. and around the world. The generous individuals, industries, foundations, and non-profits that contribute to H.I.M., encompass goals, shared values and a mutual respect for inclusion of faith-based relations to assist in important areas that adversely affect and impact our society.

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